SC-ENT/083 Adult , 4 hole x 480mm long half circle end for use with a drape SC-ENT/083E Adult , 4 hole x 480mm long with round ends to be used with Magauran plate SC-ENT/083E Adult , 4 hole x 480mm long with round ends to be used with Magauran plate
SC-ENT/083C Child, 3 hole x 425mm long half circle end for use with a drape SC-ENT/083D Child, 3 hole x 425mm long with round ends to be used with Magauran plate SC-ENT/083F Child, 4 hole x 425mm long with round ends to be used with Magauran plate Alder Hey Children’s Hospital pattern SC-ENT/083D Child, 3 hole x 425mm long with round ends to be used with Magauran plate SC-ENT/083F Child, 4 hole x 425mm long with round ends to be used with Magauran plate Alder Hey Children’s Hospital pattern SH-5104 Magauran plate 480mm - for use with Dra§n bipods
Magauran Plate
SH-5104 480mm - for use with Dra§n bipods
Astrin Surgical Sialkot (51310) Pakistan. Call (Whatsapp): +923365578587 Emails: